- 2024.3.31. Issue 10 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2024.3.26. Call for nomination of AG awards in 2024.
- 2024.2.14. The 25th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tuesday, February 27, 2024. The speakers are Sung-Hee Lee and Miao Wang, and the session chair is Ye Pan.
- 2024.1.30. The election results of Executive Committee (EC) members of Asiagraphics (AG) in 2023 are announced.
- 2023.12.31. Issue 9 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2024.2.14. The 24th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023. The speakers are Jun Mitani and Qing Fang, and the session chair is Shi-Sheng Huang.
- 2023.10.30. Issue 8 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2023.10.13. Asiagaphics is pleased to announce the winners of the 2023 AG Awards, including the Outstanding Technical Contributions Award (Prof. Ariel Shamir from Reichman University, Israel), and the Young Researcher Award (Dr. Peng-Shuai Wang from Peking University, China)
- 2023.10.07. The 23rd session of AG Webinar will be held on Tuesday, October 17, 2023. The speakers are Young J. Kim and Yijiang Huang, and the session chair is Ziqi Wang.
- 2023.09.04. The 22nd session of AG Webinar will be held on Fri., Sep. 15, 2023. The speakers are Juyong Zhang and Shunsuke Saito, and the session chair is Tao Yu.
- 2023.08.18. Issue 7 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2023.08.15. Nominations for Asiagraphics Award 2023 has been started and the deadline for nominations is August 30, 2022.
- 2023.06.20. The new AG officers has been elected. The Chair is Shi-Min Hu; the Vice-Chairs are Hongbo Fu, Takeo Igarashi, Young J. Kim and Stefanie Zollmann; the Secretary is Ligang Liu; the Treasurer is Hongbo Fu.
- 2023.06.16. The 21st session of AG Webinar will be held on Thu., Jun. 29, 2023. The speakers are Mirela Ben Chen and Xiao-Ming Fu, and the session chair is Pengbo Bo.
- 2023.05.11. Voting for the New Officers of Asiagraphics started.
- 2023.04.23. The 20th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Apr. 25, 2022. The speakers are Yonghao Yue and Tao Du, and the session chair is Bo Ren.
- 2023.03.22. The 19th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Mar. 28, 2023. The speakers are Peng Song and Haisen Zhao, and the session chair is Lin Lu.
- 2023.02.25. The 18th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Feb. 28, 2023. The speakers are Taku Komura and Libin Liu, and the session chair is Bin Wang.
- 2023.02.20. Nomination of new Asiagraphics Officers started.
- 2023.01.09. Issue 6 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2022.12.19. The 17th session of AG Webinar will be held on Fri., Dec. 23, 2022. The speakers are Taehyun James (TJ) Rhee and Ye Pan, and the session chair is Ran Yi.
- 2022.11.24. The 16th session of AG Webinar will be held on Wed., Nov. 30, 2022. The speakers are Dani Lischinski and Ran Yi, and the session chair is Xuejin Chen.
- 2022.10.20. The 15th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Oct. 25, 2022. The speakers are Xuejin Chen and Yifan (Evan) Peng, and the session chair is Fanglue Zhang.
- 2022.09.28. Asiagaphics is pleased to announce the winners of the 2022 AG Awards, including the Outstanding Technical Contributions Award (Prof. Kun Zhou from Zhejiang University, China), and the Young Researcher Award (Dr. Yifan “Evan” Peng from the University of Hong Kong, China).
- 2022.09.21. The 14th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Sep. 27, 2022. The speakers are Yuki Endo and Yu-Kun Lai, and the session chair is Lin Gao.
- 2022.09.01. Issue 5 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2022.08.30. Nominations for Asiagraphics Award 2022 has been started and the deadline for nominations is September 13, 2022.
- 2022.08.28. The 13th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Aug. 30, 2022. The speakers are Jianmin Zheng and Yiyi Liao, and the session chair is Juyong Zhang.
- 2022.08.09. CVM 2023 Call for Papers. CVM 2023 will take place at Shenzhen, China on April 6th-8th, 2023.
- 2022.07.27. The 12th session of AG Webinar will be held on Sun., Jul. 31, 2022. The speakers are Xin Tong and Seung-hwan Baek, and the session chair is Qilin Sun.
- 2022.06.23. The 11th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Jun. 28, 2022. The speakers are Yoshinori Dobashi and Bo Ren, and the session chair is Xiaopei Liu.
- 2022.05.30. The “Article 11.1 (a)” of the AG constitution has been modified to ensure greater diversity of AG officers.
- 2022.05.27. The 10th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., May 31, 2022. The speakers are Ariel Shamir and Lingjie Liu, and the session chair is Tuanfeng Y. Wang.
- 2022.04.18. The 9th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Apr. 26, 2022. The speakers are Peter Wonka and Caigui Jiang, and the session chair is Yu-Kun Lai.
- 2022.03.31. The election of Executive Committee (EC) members of AG in 2022 has finished and 12 new EC members were elected: Hujun Bao, Angel X. Chang, Bing-Yu Chen, Yoshinori Dobashi, Hongbo Fu, Xianfeng David Gu, Min H. Kim, Yu-Kun Lai, Ligang Liu, Ariel Shamir, Peng Song and Kun Zhou.
- 2022.03.28. Issue 4 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2022.03.26. Pacific Graphics 2022 Call for Papers. Pacific Graphics 2022 will take place at Kyoto International Conference Center, Kyoto, Japan on October 5th-8th, 2022.
- 2022.03.23. The 8th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Mar. 29, 2022. The speakers are Pedro Sander and Tuanfeng Y. Wang, and the session chair is Xianzhi Li.
- 2022.02.18. The 7th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Feb. 18, 2022. The speakers are Weiwei Xu and Minhyuk Sung, and the session chair is Yuki Koyama.
- 2021.12.31. Issue 3 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2021.12.27. The 6th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Jan. 18, 2022. The speakers are Hongbo Fu and Yuki Koyama, and the session chair is Ying He.
- 2021.12.13. The 5th session of AG Webinar will be held on Wed., Dec. 22, 2021. The speakers are Chi-Wing Fu, Xianzhi Li, and Ruihui Li, and the session chair is Peng Song.
- 2021.11.30. Issue 2 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2021.11.22. The 4th session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Nov. 30, 2021. The speakers are Seungyong Lee and Jinshan Pan and the session chair is Jue Wang.
- 2021.10.31. Issue 1 of AG Newsletters is released and sent to all AG members.
- 2021.10.22. The 28th and 29th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG 20+21) were jointly held online on October 18 to 21, 2021, organized by the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand.
- 2021.10.18. The 3rd session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Oct. 26, 2021. The speakers are Takeo Igarashi and Ruizhen Hu and the session chair is Nobuyuki Umetani.
- 2021.09.29. Asiagaphics is pleased to announce the winners of the 2021 AG Awards, including Life-Time Achievement Award (Prof. Qunsheng Peng from Zhejiang University, China), the Outstanding Technical Contributions Award (Prof. Wenping Wang from both Texas A&M University, USA and The University of Hong Kong, China), and the Young Researcher Award (Dr. Yuki Koyama from the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan).
- 2021.09.25. The 2nd session of AG Webinar will be held on Tue., Sep. 28, 2021. The speakers are Daniel Cohen-Or and Lin Gao and the session chair is Hongbo Fu.
- 2021.08.23. The 1st session of AG Webinar will be held on Mon., Aug. 30, 2021. The speakers are Wenping Wang and Nobuyuki Umetani and the session chair is Ligang Liu.
- 2021.05.13. The15th International Conference on Geometric Modeling and Processing (GMP 2021), was held online on May 12, 2021, organized by the University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic.
- 2021.04.24. The 9th International Conference on Computational Visual Media (CVM 2021) was held on April 21 to April 23, 2021, in Qingdao, organized by Shandong University, China.
- 2020.11.03. Announcement of the new AG Officers and Organization, which consists of Shi-Min Hu (chairman), Seungyong Lee and Hongbo Fu (vice-chairmen), Ligang Liu (secretary), and Hongbo Fu (treasurer). The Executive Committee is retained. Their terms of office will commence on January 1, 2021.